Friday, October 8, 2010

what a blessing!!!

After many prayers and many fast and much faith and trial a blessing has come.............. my dad got a job!!!! I'm so happy and excited for him!! he truly deserves it! it has been almost 2 years since he lost his job!!! dad i love you and congrats on the job!!!! and thank you to those that fasted and prayed the miracle and blessing has come :)!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Today was an amazing day! and i feel that i should write it down so this is more for me but its also to tell about my experience. Today my mom texted me and asked me if i wanted to go to baptisms with her and i was like eh my head hurts and my legs hurt from my walk yesterday. Then i felt like maybe we should just go walk around take pictures and talk and maybe just feel more at peace with whats going on in our lives and to maybe get some guidance. Well we were taking pictures and walking around and i was like "is there a back to the temple that we could walk around" and my mom goes "ya". so we started walking and she was gonna go the back way like past the gates and i said to her, " where you going this looks like the way to the back". we started walking back there and we just looking at all the beauty around us. then i was like lets go take a picture over here as we started walking over there i saw this lady just sit down and start to cry out loud and i said to my mom should we go comfort her. so we walked over there and i said is there anything we can do for you besides give you a hug and she said that the love of her life passed away on wednesday and they were never sealed to each other they were engaged but they hadn't gotten married and sealed and she was so sad and she was at the temple to meet with the temple president to ask if she would be able to be sealed to him in the next life and she got the news that they could be sealed while she is on earth he told her that if she still had the burning desire and love that she does now in the next 2-3 months then she can be sealed to him. and she told me and my mom that she loved him so much and how they met and how when she saw him that the holy ghost told her that if he wasnt married to pursue him. The man she loves is name curt, and curt had been electrocuted at age 16 and didnt have legs and that he had won so many races in his wheel chair and set many records and that he was just so beautiful. she then asked my mom for her name and my mom said jennie and she asked me and i said jenna and she goes oh my gosh jennies my grandmothers name and jenna is curts daughters name. and later my mom told her we kind of know about grieving because of my niece Kaiya. and all my mom said was that she has lost a grandchild and that it was really hard and how hard it was to see her daughter(my sister) go through it and how my dad had lost his job the following december and how its the same trial but that its hard. the lady then stops my mom and said what does your husband do for work and what do you do for work and my goes he works with computers and that shes and lpn nurse. the lady just goes i have connections with computers i know people and she just starts listing places and shes like email me and have him send in his resume and ill help him get in some where and shes like i dont know about nursing but im sure i can think of something. me and my mom were just in shock that all of a sudden she was helping us. she then asked us what was the name of the grandchild that passed away and my mom told her kaiya and she goes oh my gosh thats the name of curts granddaughter and that jhis daughter jenna had a little girl named kaiya. we kept talking and it was just an amazing experience how we just helped each other how me and my mom could be there for her( karen is her name) and how she was able to help my mom and even me with my life stuff. somehere in the middle of us all talking she said you guys are suppose to be here in utah this is where you guys are suppose to be. she had no idea i was doubting on being here in utah but the holy ghost was just so strong and she felt impressed to say it. amazing i kept wondering why i didnt wanna do baptisms but now i know why. karen is amazing and i hope to keep in contact with her :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

moving again!!

so with alot of thought. and praying and fasting ive decided im moving to utah the 18th of august!! its gonna come and go so fast its scary my last day of work is the 14th im really sad about that i love my job my job has been my life the past two years!! but one thing to look forward to moving is family and that is one of the most important things in life is family :) i love my family <3. well i will post pictures soon of things ive done this summer :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

lifes roller coasters

so since i last wrote i have moved it was sad cause i lived in my house for almost 15 years!! now i live with 3 girls ariel, kim , and lorissa i love them all!! about 3 weeks after i moved out my parents moved that was very hard for me still kind of is they took most of their stuff up to utah to store at my aunt and uncles house and my brother ryan moved up there and is living with my grandma while he goes to school. after a week or so of being there my parents moved to texas to live with my sister im so jealous haha but i told her its her turn to have my parents haha.
even though im sad i dont have my parents and i dont live with them i am grateful for what i am learning out on my own..
1. cooking i dont like to cook but im doin alot of it now cause i want good food haha
2. finding time to clean and do laundry
3. living with other people besides family

oh how i miss my bed haha well i guess my other bed since i bought this one too haha i use to have a king size bed but because i am sharing a room i couldnt bring it with me so i bought me a bunk bed futon. i still have my king but its in storage just waiting for me to come sleep on a angle :)

so now on to a mothers even though it is already passed i just have to say how much i love my mom and how much i look up to her and for all she has and does for me she is amazing!! anyone that doesnt know my mom should really meet her she is the most likable loving nicest person you will meet. even when she is in pain she is always willing to help i love her and i hope i can be like her when i am a mom which wont be for a long while haha.
my sisters are also great moms and i look up to them :)
i love you mom, liz and angie :)

thats all for now ill have pics soon now that i have a memory card again for my camera.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

its official.... everything is changing

my house is being rented!! which means im moving!! everything is gonna be changing by april 17th!! this is crazy stuff!! ive lived in my house since i was five before that was utah and i dont really remember to much there haha so all my memories are in this amazing house! i love this house! im sad to have to leave ready for a new adventure but boy oh boy im scared hahah. if anyone is lookin for a room mate or wanting someone to rent a room out of there house im lookin im willing to pay $300 a month. thats all my exciting news for now haha

Sunday, February 28, 2010

for sale....

Saturday i came home from work and saw a for sale sign in neighbors yard.. later that night i went to the store when i got back my mom just pulled in the drive way so i said, " mom i didnt know the nieghbors were selling there house too." my mom said, " they arent thats our sign they put it at the wrong house". yep thats right the people put our sign at my neighbors house. but yes its true andsad my house is up for sale its kind of hitting me but i dont think its hit me yet that the house i have lived in since i was five is for sale. it will probably hit me sooner than later tho.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

its a bit darker....

for a while now i have been wanting to go darker with my hair and i finally had the guts to do it :)



so it looks similar but really its darker in person ha.
also some great news two weeks ago my brother came home:)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

black blue and broken :/

so last week i was playing a game with some friends and i tripped and fell and broke my toe from the bottom out side corner of my toe nail down going on an angle down to the first joint nice uh oh and i sprained my elbow it may have an oh so oh so small fracture but they dont know yet ha. but i got hurt wednesday night worked all day the next 3 days on it and finally went to urgent care on monday i kept telling my self oh it will feel better in 3 days well ya it didnt and it still doesnt. but gotta keep on goin on ha. thats all thats new with me. oh and i have to wear this shoe thingy for at least 6 weeks :/.